Before - this one needed WORK. I removed and replaced the trim at the base, built new doors, replaced the legs, etc etc.
Apartment Therapy recently reached out, asking for my input on an article geared towards helping new furniture flippers find great pieces. I love write ups like this!
I want to highlight the importance of what you bring home, what you pay a little extra for, and what you leave on the curb and drive right on by. Getting the right piece of furniture is the most important part of the refinishing process. It’s the difference between joy and frustration. Some repairs and alterations leave you feeling so so proud, whereas others…. they just drain any excitement you once felt for the project right out of you. It’s important to know when to roll up your sleeves and when to move on. (I’m still working to strike that all important balance!) If you wind up in the weeds with a particular piece, consider the hours you’ll spend in reparations versus what you can actually tack on to the final price to sell. Time is truly money, your hours are worth something. If you’re truly adding value ($) to the piece, keep on going. If, however, you’ve invested more money into repairs than you’ll likely gain back in resale… it’s ok to stop! You’re not giving up, you’re not a quitter, you’re making a smart business decision. I like to save my more “experimental” makeovers for pieces I either acquired for free or nearly free. These pieces have a different value to me. With these, I can take risks and try out a new method or style. If I don’t like the end result, no big deal, the “cost” of my learning hours are a price I’m very willing to pay. But if I dropped some real cash for a one of a kind vintage dresser?…. That dresser is getting the kind of makeover I have more confidence in reselling.
Want to read more tips from other refinishing experts? Here’s the article in Apartment Therapy: